Your property is one step closer to being annexed. You need to be involved! Why should you be interested and get involved? The City of Fresno has not adequately conveyed the personal costs of annexation to homeowners. 1. You will be personally responsible to connect to the city's water and sewer line - charges for the connection, the construction of the frontage pipeline, turnout (hub T in line), as well as a contractor to connect from your home structure to the road. 2. The city is avoiding answering our questions concerning the estimated cost of the water and sewer lines. From information we have gathered, the cost could possibly run in excess of $50,000 for water and another $50,000 + for sewer (two separate costs) depending on the linear frontage of the parcel. The person to contact concerning your parcel is Kevin Gray 1-559-621-8690. 3. If you live on a corner lot, you will be responsible for the frontage on both sides of your property. 4. The hookups will be mandatory and a loan with interest offered if one is unable to pay. A lien will be placed on the property. (A lien is a legal claim to the property which will have to be paid in order to obtain clear title when selling the property.) 5. Once annexed, you will have five years to hook up to the city utility services. Once you hook up to water, your well will be condemned. 6. Once you hook up to sewer, the septic tank or cesspool will need to be dug out or filled in at your expense to meet California Safety Codes. 7. The goal is for all annexed areas to be converted to Fresno City Water with metered water replacing wells. Irrigating crops will be cost prohibitive if done with a meter. 8. Taxes will be increased to build Clovis and Sanger schools to accommodate population growth of 250,000. (Sanger alone is estimating 16 additional schools at estimated one billion dollars two years ago.) 9. These costs are only one aspect of the impact of annexation on our rural lifestyle. The prime agriculture soil will be replaced with thousands of units of high-density, affordable housing thus affecting water supply, air pollution, crime, and loss of property value. What can I do? What action should I take? Friday, February 7th, the SEDA Recirculated Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was released. The public has 45 days to respond so our deadline is March 24, 2025. The Recirculated EIR is available at the Sunnyside Library or the Downtown Library. This Recirculated EIR is also available at the following links: Link Link We need a massive response with comments that question and attack every aspect of this report. The comments need to have specific references to the EIR. General comments of disagreement with the project will be discarded. 1. Comments need to be submitted in response to the EIR. You do not have to be a homeowner or even live in the affected area to respond to the EIR. (Annexation of 9000 acres affects everyone in Fresno.) 2. New comments addressing issues in the revised EIR are of utmost importance. However, original comments need to be resubmitted with updated section references. It is our understanding that 358 pages of comments were originally turned in. That was a great response and would be great if we did it again! 3. Comments need to be emailed to: letters mailed to: City of Fresno Planning and Development Department Sophia Pagoulatos, Planning Manager 2600 Fresno Street, Room 3065 Fresno, CA 93721 559-621-8062 Please send cc to all City Council Members. cc District 1: Annalisa Perea: District 2: Mike Karbassi: District 3: Miguel Arias: District 4: Tyler Maxwell: District 5: Special Election on March 18th District 6: Nick Richardson: District 7: Nelson Esparza: City Clerk: Todd Stermer: 4. Please share this information with neighbors or anyone that opposes the annexationand encourage others to be added to our email list (559-388-2615) or stay updated on facebook. 5. Plan to attend a meeting on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30 p.m. at Sunnyside Mountain View Church (6175 E. Kings Canyon Road). The meeting is to help anyone with questions and to assist in developing comments in response to the EIR. 6. If you have any questions or want to be added to our email list, please call our SEPO (Southeast Property Owners) Hotline number at 559-388-2615.
Your property is one step closer to being annexed. You need to be involved! Why should you be interested and get involved? The City of Fresno has not adequately conveyed the personal costs of annexation to homeowners. 1. You will be personally responsible to connect to the city's water and sewer line - charges for the connection, the construction of the frontage pipeline, turnout (hub T in line), as well as a contractor to connect from your home structure to the road. 2. The city is avoiding answering our questions concerning the estimated cost of the water and sewer lines. From information we have gathered, the cost could possibly run in excess of $50,000 for water and another $50,000 + for sewer (two separate costs) depending on the linear frontage of the parcel. The person to contact concerning your parcel is Kevin Gray 1-559-621-8690. 3. If you live on a corner lot, you will be responsible for the frontage on both sides of your property. 4. The hookups will be mandatory and a loan with interest offered if one is unable to pay. A lien will be placed on the property. (A lien is a legal claim to the property which will have to be paid in order to obtain clear title when selling the property.) 5. Once annexed, you will have five years to hook up to the city utility services. Once you hook up to water, your well will be condemned. 6. Once you hook up to sewer, the septic tank or cesspool will need to be dug out or filled in at your expense to meet California Safety Codes. 7. The goal is for all annexed areas to be converted to Fresno City Water with metered water replacing wells. Irrigating crops will be cost prohibitive if done with a meter. 8. Taxes will be increased to build Clovis and Sanger schools to accommodate population growth of 250,000. (Sanger alone is estimating 16 additional schools at estimated one billion dollars two years ago.) 9. These costs are only one aspect of the impact of annexation on our rural lifestyle. The prime agriculture soil will be replaced with thousands of units of high-density, affordable housing thus affecting water supply, air pollution, crime, and loss of property value. What can I do? What action should I take? Friday, February 7th, the SEDA Recirculated Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was released. The public has 45 days to respond so our deadline is March 24, 2025. The Recirculated EIR is available at the Sunnyside Library or the Downtown Library. This Recirculated EIR is also available at the following links: Link Link We need a massive response with comments that question and attack every aspect of this report. The comments need to have specific references to the EIR. General comments of disagreement with the project will be discarded. 1. Comments need to be submitted in response to the EIR. You do not have to be a homeowner or even live in the affected area to respond to the EIR. (Annexation of 9000 acres affects everyone in Fresno.) 2. New comments addressing issues in the revised EIR are of utmost importance. However, original comments need to be resubmitted with updated section references. It is our understanding that 358 pages of comments were originally turned in. That was a great response and would be great if we did it again! 3. Comments need to be emailed to: letters mailed to: City of Fresno Planning and Development Department Sophia Pagoulatos, Planning Manager 2600 Fresno Street, Room 3065 Fresno, CA 93721 559-621-8062 Please send cc to all City Council Members. cc District 1: Annalisa Perea: District 2: Mike Karbassi: District 3: Miguel Arias: District 4: Tyler Maxwell: District 5: Special Election on March 18th District 6: Nick Richardson: District 7: Nelson Esparza: City Clerk: Todd Stermer: 4. Please share this information with neighbors or anyone that opposes the annexationand encourage others to be added to our email list (559-388-2615) or stay updated on facebook. 5. Plan to attend a meeting on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30 p.m. at Sunnyside Mountain View Church (6175 E. Kings Canyon Road). The meeting is to help anyone with questions and to assist in developing comments in response to the EIR. 6. If you have any questions or want to be added to our email list, please call our SEPO (Southeast Property Owners) Hotline number at 559-388-2615.